Actualité iPhone / iPad
Pangu 7.1.x

PanGu : l'utilitaire de jailbreak revient avec une application Cydia

Source: @PanGuTeam

La semaine dernière, l'équipe Pangu a publié une nouvelle version de son utilitaire de jailbreak d'iOS 7.1 à 7.1.2, qui comprenait des corrections de bugs pour les problèmes de boucles de redémarrage pour l'iPhone 4S / 4, et d'autres améliorations.

L'équipe avait indiqué qu'une application Cydia arriverait sous peu pour les utilisateurs qui ont déjà jailbreaké leur appareil avec Pangu. Chose promise, chose due ! Appelé "Pangu 7.1-7.1.x Untether", ce paquet est disponible gratuitement depuis Cydia, et apporte les mêmes correctifs.

Pour installer la mise à niveau, voici les instructions à suivre :

Lancez Cydia ;
Appuyez ensuite sur l'onglet Rechercher ;
Saisissez "Pangu 7.1-7.1.x Untether" ;
Appuyez dessus, puis tapez sur Modifier ;
Appuyez sur l'option de mise à niveau à partir de la liste déroulante, puis sur Confirmer.

Une fois terminé, vous devez redémarrer votre smartphone ou tablette. Si un flash vert apparaît, n'ayez crainte, cela est normal selon la Team Pangu. À noter que vous pourrez installer Afc2 (Apple File Conduit "2") séparément si vous ne l'avez pas fait au préalable. Il donne accès aux fichiers système et apporte des droits utilisateurs pour naviguer sans contrainte via SSH ou autre.


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Ne supprime rien surtout :) La mise à niveau était présente et elle a été retirée pour je ne sais quelle raison :?
Sans doute qu'elle sera remise prochainement. J'attend un retour d'info ;)

Édit :

Les retours indiquent que cette mise à niveau n'était pas stable pour certains utilisateurs déjà jailbreakés donc la Team PanGu aidée de Saurik s'occupent de stabiliser ce package. Il sera remis en ligne sur Cydia prochainement.
Il a été retiré juste au même moment de la mise en ligne de cette news. Ouf de soulagement pour vous (quoi que je n'ai pas eu de bug lors de son installation) mais mieux vaut prévenir que guérir ^^ donc bien que ce paquet ait été retiré. Il sera remis en ligne plus stable. Je l'espère en tout cas ;)
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Un retour avec des éléments complémentaires de Saurik alias Jay Freeman, développeur renommé de Cydia :)
Il a enlevé le paquet "Pangu 7.1-7.1.x Untether" (version 0.3) de Cydia après l'obtention d'une demande de l'équipe Pangu, car ils estiment qu'il pourrait y avoir un problème qui affecte certains utilisateurs qui passent par des versions précédentes. Il a fourni les informations suivantes sur reddit:

I spent a bunch of time talking to someone from Pangu before releasing this (including asking them to reimplement the installation scripts of the package, which I felt had issues). One thing in particular I wanted to verify with them was that this version of the untether did not have any known regressions from previous versions, as I did not want to release something with any regressions as an upgrade.

This is actually an interesting corner case when dealing with upgrades, and is the reason sometimes why a jailbreak might come with a newer version of Cydia, or a newer untether, than you see an upgrade pushed for: if the stuff installed by a jailbreak doesn’t work immediately after it is installed, that’s a different and more reasonable scenario than if you had a setup that was working that suddenly is broken.

Even if only one in a thousand users, or one in tens of thousands of users, are affected by a bug, pushing it out as an upgrade causes a large number of immediate failures, often which are more serious than failures during an installation process (where it is more expected something will go wrong, the user doesn’t have as much data, likely just restored their device, was told to have a backup handy, etc.).

In fact, this is why (apparently) there was no 0.2 release as a package: while there was an interesting fix (the light sensor issue), the new untether covered fewer devices than the previous 0.1 release with the same stability. With the 0.3 release, however, it was thought by Pangu that they had fixed all of these issues, and that the only remaining bugs were ones that had affected all previous releases.

However, Pangu currently believes there might be an issue that is affecting some users upgrading from previous versions, and has asked me to pull their package. It is not entirely clear whether these are real new issues or whether these are simply cases where the user hasn’t rebooted in a long time. (It also needs to be determined whether these are just broken extensions, and are fixable with Volume Up.)

(That’s actually a really common confounder: it could very well be that rebooting is going to cause the user’s device to not boot, because they deleted or corrupted some critical file. People don’t reboot that often, though, so packages that ask users to reboot get tons of actually-unrelated “this made my device no longer boot” issues that were truly caused days or weeks earlier by something entirely different.)

(My current guess, FWIW, is that there is some new issue in the 0.2 and 0.3 releases that was not present in the 0.1 release, and that the people who are having issues are having issues are some subset of the 0.1 people who are now upgrading to 0.3. 0.2 and 0.3 use a different exploit than 0.1 that seems a little more finicky, causing the occasional green screens while booting where it has to retry.)
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