[PS3] PS3 ISO Tools 1.6B - Générez vos backups au format ISO

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[PS3] PS3 ISO Tools 1.6B - Générez vos backups au format ISO

Message non lupar Near » 01 Jan 2014, 19:47



"PS3 ISO TOOLS" is an all-in-one tool for a complete PS3-ISO handling and contains:

ISO-Generator to convert PS3-Folder-Format-Games 2 PS3-ISO-Format-Games (splitted big-files will be joined)
ISO-Extractor to convert PS3-ISO-Format-Games 2 PS3-Folder-Format-Games (big-files will be optionaly splitted)
ISO-Splitter to split single PS3-ISOs for use on a FAT32 device ("*.iso.0", "*.iso.1", ...etc)
ISO-Joiner to join splitted PS3-ISOs into single PS3-ISOs
ISO-Renamer to rename single or splitted PS3-ISOs according to a game-name/game-id database and to hide/un-hide parts of splitted ISOs ("*.iso.1", "*.iso.2", ...etc)
ISO-Patcher to patch single or splitted PS3-ISOs to a lower firmware version (down to 4.21)

Pretty self-explanatory... read the tool-tips


You can batch-convert all of your PS3-Folder-Format-Games, when you select your game-archive as source-folder(eg "X:\GAMES" or "X:\GAMESZ")
All other tools, with the exception of ISO-Patcher, support batch-operation as well. Just multi-select the ISOs you like to process.
ISO-names will NOT contain special ASCII-characters 0-31, 126-255 and also NOT /\:*?"<>| ... This is to avoid problems with webMAN


While converting to ISO-format "PARAM.SFO" and "ICON0.PNG"(Game-Icon) will be placed (hidden) as "[ISO-name].SFO" and "[ISO-name].PNG" at target-folder.
If you use webMAN copy these 2 files(per game) to "/dev_hdd0/tmp/wmtmp/". This will save you the effort to mount each game at least once to make webMAN display it's game-icon.

Version 1.6B
- Accurate progress bar for all functions
- Include latest version of "makeps3iso" (thx @Estwald)
- A few "cosmetic" changes
- Some small bug fixes

PS3 ISO Tools 1.6B

Source : PSX-Scene
Avatar de l’utilisateur Near Ancien
Messages: 2818
Inscription: 23 Mai 2008, 18:59


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